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Raw queries

All statements that can be built using the methods exposed by this library support the ability to add custom SQL fragments to your query.

The raw() method is available on the Statement class, which means you can use it in any query builder that extends Statement.

Basic usage

$query->raw("LIMIT %s OFFSET %s", [10, 20]);

This adds a LIMIT and OFFSET clause with placeholders, and the values 10 and 20 will be bound to these placeholders.


The raw method returns the Statement object, so you can continue chaining other query builder methods after it.

$query->raw("LIMIT %s OFFSET %s", [10, 20])
    ->raw("WHERE %s = %s", ['id', 1]);

Use raw when you need to add SQL fragments that are not directly supported by the query builder's methods.


Remember to be cautious when using raw, as it bypasses the query builder's safeguards. Always properly sanitize any user input used in raw SQL to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Released under the MIT License.