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Selecting columns

The select() method in the QueryBuilder class is used to specify the columns you want to select from a database table while fetching records.


If you don't specify any columns, the method will select all columns from the table.

Basic usage

You can pass multiple column names as arguments to the select() method.

$query = new QueryBuilder();

$select = $query
	->select( 'id', 'name', 'email' );
	->from( 'users' )

Using an array

Alternatively, you can pass an array of column names to the select() method.

$query = new QueryBuilder();

$select = $query
	->select( ['id', 'name', 'email'] )
	->from( 'users' );

Using aliases

You can also use aliases for the columns you want to select.

$query = new QueryBuilder();

$select = $query
	->select( ['column1' => 'alias1', 'column2' => 'alias2'] )
	->from( 'users' );

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